Megaphone - Communication & Design is about getting your message across


What is a communication audit and review?

A communications audit and review is about ensuring your marketing and communications works for you and your customers. It requires understanding who your audience and customers are, where they are, how they think and how they feel. Without understanding these important points, it’s very difficult to plan the where, when, how and what to communicate to them.

Marketing should never been about just choosing a communication channel (i.e. social media, print, radio, press etc.). Before opting for a method of marketing communication, always think “who are my customers and where do they spend their time?”.

Why do I need a communication audit and review?

Selling is no longer about unique selling points (USP’s) but now about emotional selling points (ESP’s). Understanding the emotional selling points of your product or service to your customer, is now the key to differentiating your business from the competition. Truly unique products are rare, and even if you do have one, the chances are it won’t be unique for long. Therefore it is important to understand how to emotionally engage with your client. This is about the

Getting your communications right will help you increase the opportunities for engaging with the right audiences in the right way. You need to resonate with their needs, thoughts and feelings. This works for all markets types.

What are the benefits of doing a communication audit and review?

Without considering who your potential customers are and where they spend their time you could be wasting your time, effort and marketing budget. This in turn will affect your return on investment and the effectiveness of your sales pipeline. Basically you will get less sales, or at the least it won’t be the quality sales you may be looking for.

How do I do a communication audit and review?

To conduct a communications review and audit begin by considering the following questions about your potential and current customers:

  1.  What do they like to do? 
  2. Where do they like to be? (on and offline)
  3. What are they like? How do they think and feel about things? 
  4. Why are they looking for my product/service? 
  5. How dose this help them? What emotion does it respond to?
  6. Where do they look for answers and who or what do they turn to for answers?

You can enhance this audit and review by looking at what you are already doing and asking in addition to the above:

  1. Do we have a profile of my current customers? What does this release, are they the right people we want?
  2. Are the communication channels we work with right for our potential customers?
  3. Are the messages we are pushing right for our customers – what is most important to them?

Beginning to ask yourself such questions will start to realign your marketing communications with your desired audience. Without this research you shouldn’t begin to launch a communication.

We have more information around research here (link to customers and market page).


What else do you need to know?

Don’t be afraid to talk to your customers. Through talking with them you will begin to understand where they spend their time and how to communicate with them. Better still you may start to understand what motivates them emotionally. When you begin to understand these motivations, you can really begin to influence their behavior.
If you would like some free of charge advice around how to discover some of this information for yourself, feel free to pick up the phone. We’d love to hear from you.

Click at the bottom of the page for your free consultation if you want to discuss this or anything else further.

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“Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.”

Walt Disney knew telling a story is always always easier with pictures. It crosses all barriers. The best story tellers are always the best at engaging their audience.