Creating a strategy and planning for success

Marketing Training

What training do Need to Know Marketing offer?

We understand marketing training (and any training for that matter), is only ever as useful as its ability to be actioned within your own business, when leaving the event. There’s a wealth of knowledge available about marketing online but much of it requires a significant level of strategic knowledge around the subject or technical knowledge on how to use the tools before diving deeper.

What benefits will my business see from Need to Know Marketing’s Training?

As with all the marketing knowledge we provide, our training is built for the benefit of small to medium-sized businesses. This is what drove us to launch the company in the first place.

All our training is provided using our four steps of marketing, that every business can follow when leaving an event:

Step One: Research

Before beginning any marketing campaign, a level of understanding about your potential customers behaviour (both emotional and rational) is necessary. Without this, creating the right strategy to build around your audience becomes challenging and businesses run the risk of delivering a very high-level rational message, similar to a lot of competition in the marketplace which doesn’t serve the emotional needs of their buyers or consumers.

Understanding who your customers are, how they feel, the problems they’re trying to solve and where they spend their time provides us with information on how communicate with them effectively.

Fortunately research doesn’t require a huge budget; our training shows you how to complete this successfully within your existing business operations.

Step Two: Strategy

Once you understand who your customers are, a business can begin to plan their brand messaging and use of marketing channels around their potential customers.

For example, in the mortgage industry research may identify potential customers aged 30 – 44 are frustrated with the limited fixed mortgages banks offer, have limited times on their hands to research an alternative, don’t know where to begin and lack trust in what the market’s offering.

An independent mortgage broker offering advice online, a personable service and targeting its audience through paid marketing on Facebook can begin to service this market effectively. Your research will identify other unique bits of data that can separate you from the competition.
Our training will show you how to use your research to create a marketing strategy that your audience will respond to.

Step Three: Communication and Design

Once a marketing strategy has been defined and communication channels chosen, your messaging and designs can be brought to life to communicate with your potential customers. Again, your research will support you with information on the tone, messaging and types of design your audience will respond to.

To ensure your strategy is effectively communicated, we’ll show you how to bring a marketing strategy to life.

Step Four: Measurement

A critical step. Once your communication has been launched its success will need to be evaluated. There are a variety of tools that can be used across multiple marketing channels, that will provide insight into your audiences behaviour. This can be utilised to refine an existing campaign to make it even more successful or if a campaign isn’t performing as you thought it would, identify the point where it’s failing and fix it.

We’ll show you some of the tools and data we use, to continually improve our marketing campaigns so you can do the same.

How do I utilise Need to Know Marketing’s Training within my business?

By the time you’ve attended one of our courses, you’ll have a four step strategy to take away and use within your business.

We understand this can still be daunting, so offer a number of support options to utilise within your business. If you’ve completed the training and have an interest in actioning what you’ve learnt but simply can’t find the time or don’t know where to start, get in touch. At Need to Know Marketing we love helping SME’s grow.

We also offer a free of charge one hour consultation, where we have an open discussion about your business objectives and what you’re looking to achieve. Following the consultation we will provide you with a marketing strategy, advising how we recommend meeting your business objectives through marketing.

Following the consultation we will provide you with a marketing strategy, advising how we recommend meeting your business objectives through marketing. If you are interested in knowing the cost of our services, you can use our calculator as a guide.

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